
Welcome to the Activism is Medicine on-line course. This experience is designed for seasoned or aspiring activists seeking a whole-life approach to engagement. As you’ll see, activism is far more than isolated resistance to particular circumstances or individual events; it’s fundamental to successful and effective living. Ideal for climate and ecological activists, therapists, teachers, coaches, trainers, parents, students, and anyone who’s trying to make a difference, this course is dedicated to both inner and outer forms of activism. It’ll help you live a life of relevance, meaning, and effectiveness.

Each segment is roughly 60 minutes long.

Presented by Frank Forencich, Jonathan Logan, and John Hagar.

Upcoming series:

Part 1: Predicament and trajectories: June 5, 5:30 pm pacific time

Part 2: Activism and the body: June 12, 5:30 pm pacific time

Part 3: Martial artistry, strategies and tactics: June 19, 5:30 pm pacific time

Part 4: Activism as a spiritual practice: June 26, 5:30 pm pacific time

Eventbrite sign up link for June 2023 4-Part Activism is Medicine Collection:

On completion of training, each participant will receive a digital certificate, suitable for posting on websites or social media. May also be used to petition for continuing education credits with your professional organization.

content and curriculum

  • The primacy of climate truth, and the importance of the precautionary principle.

  • The reality of ecological overshoot

  • Linear v. exponential models of climate collapse

  • Recognizing bullshit: why climate lies continue

  • How to live a relevant life

  • Aldo Leopold: “…a world of wounds”

  • You are not diseased

  • The perils of alienation

  • The power of integration; unifying the kludge

  • Viktor Frankl: Man’s Search for Meaning

  • Ikigai, meaning and purpose

  • Hedonia v. eudamonia

  • Avoiding burnout: fundamentals of stress education

  • The importance of engagement/relationships

  • “Don’t fight, don’t lose” Our educational vacuum

  • The who, what, where, when, why and how

  • Curiosity and inquiry

  • What makes a good action?

  • Hard style v soft style

  • Ambidexterity

  • Treat people like animals

  • Secular “knowledge” vs. inner and outer activism

  • Root causes and the call to change ourselves

  • Colonialist attempts to dismiss spiritual activism

  • Activism and the call to creativity

  • The nature of complex systems

  • Implications and life lessons: we just don’t know the ultimate effects of our actions.

  • The world is changed by how we show up

Note: These materials are intended for use by attendees and presenters of the Activism as Medicine course. Please be true to the original tone, purpose, and intent of this effort. If you have questions about how to best use these materials, please contact us.

Also, please keep us in the loop about your plans and how you intend to use these materials. It’s always good to know how people are spreading the word. Please fill out the form below…

course videos